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Αυγούστου 10, 2013, 03:37:04 πμ »
The Thai government is building a USD16 million Wat in the Massachusetts suburb of Raynham.
Wat Nawamintararachutis, or NMR Center, will celebrate the life of Thailand’s current monarch, His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who was born in a Cambridge, Massachusetts hospital in 1927.
The 109,000-square-foot complex will have a four-story museum and temple building, sleeping quarters, and a large conference center, all clustered around a spacious courtyard filled with lotus-shaped fountains and fountains with lotuses. It will be the largest such meditation center outside Thailand.
The Raynham temple will also boast such typical Thai elements as a 180-foot spire, cast in bronze and covered in golf leaf. The spire will be made in Thailand and shipped to the United States.
The temple’s design was done by both Thai and American architects who worked to create a meditation center that would contain distinctly Thai Buddhist elements as well as some New England style.
The only other Thai Buddhist temple in Massachusetts is the Boston Buddha Vararam Temple in Bedford, a small center situated on about 2 acres. There are about 4,000 Thais in the state, according to the US Census Bureau, the Boston Globe reported.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Αυγούστου 13, 2013, 09:43:38 πμ από thailandgr
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Απάντηση #1 στις:
Αυγούστου 21, 2013, 14:25:21 μμ »
Vietnam Says Greece Denies Tourist Visas
A presentation on Greece and Argo Travel Group was organized for the second time on Aug. 7 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam’s largest city, by Travel Media Applications, in collaboration with the Vietnam Society of Travel Agents (VISTA).
The first presentation took place last month in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, which was attended by 48 tour operators of outbound tourism, but there were complaints that the Greek government rejects two-thirds of the visa requests for tourists.
Attendees emphasized the difficulty of obtaining visas for customers.
The Greek Embassy based in Hanoi often requires a personal interview for prospective travelers even if they are based in Ho Chi Minh City which is around an hour flight from Hanoi.
Phan Quoc-Dai, Deputy director of outbound corporate sales department Saigontourist Travel Service Co. Ltd., reported that lately the Greek Embassy has repeatedly rejected customers’ requests and statistically only one in three applications is accepted.
At the second presentation, a number of 75 outbound tourist offices based in Ho Chi Minh City responded, which showed particular interest in Greek tourism product.
VISTA President Vu The Binh, who flew from Hanoi especially for the event, stressed that “Greece is for us a very popular destination.
We want to learn even more about Greece and suggest new places to Vietnamese tourists.
Our partnership with the TMA has very strong foundations for the development of outbound tourism from Vietnam.
The TMA has taken on international sales of VITM, Vietnam’s exhibition for outbound tourism, held every April in Hanoi where we hope that Greece will participate.”
In the presentation, Stratis Voursoukis, Director of Asia-Pacific Travel Media Applications and Argo Travel Group, said that, “There is a great interest for outbound travel to Greece.
However, Vietnamese travel agents need to be updated about the tourism product of the country.
We as TMA and Argo Travel make great effort to promote our country in Southeast Asia in response to the growing demand for trips.”
Theodore Koumelis, founder of Travel Media Applications, said that, “The Southeast Asia region has great economic development and growth of outbound tourism which Greece should take into consideration.
The Argo Travel with longtime experience in incoming tourism listens to the needs of the Asian market and offers the appropriate tourism product.”
By Margarita Papantoniou on August 13, 2013 in Asia, Events, News, Tourism
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Απάντηση #2 στις:
Αυγούστου 21, 2013, 17:54:59 μμ »
Tourism Malaysia/
Aug 20, 2013
PHUKET, Thailand - Tourism Malaysia announced today that it will close its Phuket office and all other offices outside of Bangkok by the end of this month.
“There will only be one office in Thailand, and that will be in Bangkok,” Deputy Director General of Tourism Malaysia Chong Yoke Har said.
Mrs Chong made the announcement at an appreciation dinner for Phuket’s media and tour operators from six southern provinces at the Blue Elephant Restaurant this evening.
“Closing the Phuket office doesn't mean we will forget about the southern region,” she said.
“Our staff will pay visits to the southern provinces to continue our cooperation,” she added.
Mrs Chong said more staff would be concentrated in the Bangkok office to improve operations there.
The Phuket office has been open for 13 years.
Source: phuketgazette.net
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Απάντηση #3 στις:
Αυγούστου 21, 2013, 18:12:58 μμ »
Greece ranks 17th in wine exports to China.
China has one of the most dynamic wine markets and now ranks among the five largest worldwide. It is expected that the Chinese market will eventually be established as the largest wine market in the world. It is also obvious that Greek wine can improve its place in the Chinese market, both in absolute numbers and market share.
The above estimates have been indicated in a market research on wine in China, conducted by the Office of Economic and Commercial Affairs of the Greek Embassy in Beijing.
According to the survey, more than 70 countries are currently making wine exports to China. However, only a few countries enjoy a market share of more than 2%, with France (53%) taking the lead, then followed by Australia, Chile, Spain, Italy, the USA, New Zealand and South Africa. Greece occupies the 17th place with wine exports of 491,946 liters, valued at $ 2,224,536.
Moreover, in comparison to 2011, a significant decrease has been recorded in Greek wines’ sales (-22%), which has been therefore balanced by a 29% rise in the average price.
China wine market, Greece, Greek Embassy in Beijing, wine exports
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Απάντηση #4 στις:
Αυγούστου 22, 2013, 05:26:54 πμ »
Thailand and China main source of Yangon's tourism.
YANGON, Myanmar - Thailand and China are the main source of Yangon's tourism market, according to a recently released report from the Jones Lang LaSalle's Hotels & Hospitality Group.
"Yangon's two largest and mature source markets for the past few years have been neighbouring Thailand and China given their close proximity and long-standing economic co-operation. In 2012, visitors from Thailand and China comprised of 15.9% and 11.9% of total visitor arrivals, respectively. Growth from these markets, particularly from China has been lower in 2012 as they are staring out from much larger bases and some other source markets have grown more strongly," said Jones Lang LaSalle's Hotels & Hospitality Group in its Myanmar Hotel and Tourism Report: Spotlight on Yangon publication.
"China has long established economic links with Myanmar along its border with road infrastructure connecting to mineral deposits and other natural resources. Due to their existing foothold in Myanmar, it is arguable corporations from China have less need to visit Yangon frequently to form business relations or to research the market relative to other, newer entrant countries," noted the report.
Yangon International Airport has received over 235,000 Asian visitors from January to July this year, compared to only 165,000 visitors around the same time last year.
Source: elevenmyanmar.com
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Απάντηση #5 στις:
Αυγούστου 22, 2013, 10:57:50 πμ »
Tourism investments in China - Zhanjiang.
Aug 21, 2013
Zhanjiang is welcoming tourism investment from Hong Kong into its promising tourism industry, which is expected to boom around 2016 after the city's transport facilities have improved, a top city official said.
"The seaport in the west of Guangdong province is bestowed with rich marine, ecological, historical and cultural, climate and labor resources," said Zhuang Xiaodong, deputy mayor, summing up Zhanjiang's advantages in developing tourism.
The city's coastline extends 2,023.6 kilometers, and it is home to 122 uninhabited islands, providing tourists with extensive, tranquil sea views.
The flat Leizhou Peninsula, one of the country's three biggest peninsulas, resembles a landscape painting of golden banana plantations and a sea of green sugar cane.
The Mazu culture mingles with the Gaozhou culture in Zhanjiang, and the two offer distinctive cultural attractions, such as carved stone dogs and dragon dances.
Expected tourism boom an opportunity for investment
Lying south of the Tropic of Capricorn, the city enjoys a warm climate and abundant sunshine, the basics it needs to become a tourist destination for winter vacation.
"Many people in Northeast China and Russia will escape the winter chill in Hainan on holiday. These people are also our potential customers," said Zhuang.
"Zhanjiang is not just an island and is thus able to offer more diverse forms of leisure to tourists than Hainan can."
With a population of nearly 8 million, the city has sufficient human resources to develop the labor-intensive tourism industry, Zhuang said.
In despite of its rich tourism resources, Zhanjiang still draws few visitors, especially from overseas.
Overseas tourists that visited Zhanjiang last year numbered 90,000, while 13.1 million tourists came overall. The ratio of Chinese tourists to foreign ones is 146-to-1 in Zhanjiang but averages about 30-to-1 in most of the city's major tourist cities.
"The main problem is with transportation. We are a leader in freight transport thanks to the harbor and the rails, but we are lagging behind in terms of passenger traffic," Zhuang said.
"We don't have high-speed rails, nor do we have many international airways."
In July, Hu Chunhua, Party chief of Guangdong province, announced at a conference that the provincial government will invest 672 billion yuan ($110 billion) into constructing the province's underdeveloped western, eastern and northern areas, presenting a golden opportunity for the city.
"The western area, with Zhanjiang as the major city, will focus on improving its transportation infrastructure," said Zhuang.
A high-speed rail linking cities in the west of Guangdong with the Pearl River Delta will be completed and put into use by 2016.
A journey from Zhanjiang to Guangzhou or Shenzhen will be shortened from a car ride of at least five hours to only two hours by train. Experts are considering the relocation of Zhanjiang's airport to enlarge its capacity, paving the way to establish more international airways.
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Απάντηση #6 στις:
Αυγούστου 23, 2013, 03:26:39 πμ »
Bangkok airways becomes first foreign carrier to Nay Pyi Taw.
Aug 22, 2013
BANGKOK, Thailand – “It has long been our plan to cover the three key cities of Myanmar by the end of this September,” says Mr. Puttipong Prasarttong-Osoth, Bangkok Airways’ President.
Bangkok Airways, has recently announced its latest expansion to Myanmar by offering non-stop flights from Bangkok to Nay Pyi Taw, the capital city of The Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Commencing on 30 September 2013, the airline will be the first scheduled foreign air carrier to service this route and the only Thai airline that serves all three main cities of Myanmar.
Mr. Prasarttong-Osoth continued, “The first city was Yangon where Bangkok Airways has been offering 3 daily flights from Bangkok (Suvarnabhumi Airport) and soon to be 4 flights per day starting from 27 October 2013. Secondly, Mandalay service will commence on 15 September 2013 offering 4 non-stop flights per week. Lastly, the capital city of Myanmar – Nay Pyi Taw, from 30 September 2013 with 3 non-stop flights per week.”
Mr. Puttipong continues, “We consider this to be a major milestone for us as not only will this make Bangkok Airways the first scheduled foreign airline to fly to Nay Pyi Taw, but it also makes us the only Thai airline that serves all three main cities of Myanmar. We anticipate that the majority of our passengers on the direct Bangkok – Nay Pyi Taw flights will be businessmen and government officials. The other two routes will most likely be mainly tourists. We are confident that with our strong reputation of offering a boutique flying experience for our passengers, Bangkok Airways will become a leading player in this market."
Bangkok Airways will offer 3 non-stop flights per week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) from Bangkok (Suvarnabhumi) – Nay Pyi Taw with 70-seater ATR72 aircraft.
The outbound flight PG721 will depart Bangkok (Suvarnabhumi) at 17.00hrs and arrive Nay Pyi Taw Airport at 19.00hrs. The inbound flight PG722 will depart Nay Pyi Taw Airport at 19.30hrs and arrive Bangkok (Suvarnabhumi) at 22.30hrs. All of Bangkok (The local time in Myanmar is 30 minutes behind Thailand).
Moreover, all Bangkok Airways flights offer a convenient and smooth transit at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport for passengers from Korea, Japan and Europe to connect to Yangon, Nay Pyi Taw and Mandalay.
All passengers of Bangkok Airways can enjoy a boutique lounge at Suvarnabhumi where passengers can treat themselves to a multitude of free snacks and various choices of hot or cold drinks, free Wi-Fi Internet access. There’s also a kid’s corner located within the lounge area that will satisfy the needs of young children. For Bangkok Airways’ business class - the Blue Ribbon Club or for any passengers with FlyerBonus Premier Membership can enjoy extra treats at the Blue Ribbon Club Lounge that offers more services such as hot meals, a personal shower room, a massage parlor, as well as a nice and quiet personal library room, which can also be used as a personal meeting room.
Source: Bangkok Airways
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Απάντηση #7 στις:
Αυγούστου 24, 2013, 05:07:46 πμ »
Macworld iWorld Asia 2013 opens in Beijing (2013-08-22)
The Macworld iWorld Asia 2013, a grand event for iFans, opened in Beijing on August 22. Macworld iWorld Asia, the third of its kind, is known as the biggest exhibition of the Apple industry chain in Asia. A carnival for Apple products and their peripherals, it showcases the latest products and technologies in the consumer electronics industry. The exhibition, held at the Beijing International Convention Center, will run for four days until August 25. More than 500 exhibitors from around the world are expected to display their latest gadgets and innovations, over a total exhibition area of about 46,000 square meters. A highlight of the event is that American actor Ashton Kutcher, who plays Steve Jobs in the Apple co-founders biopic Jobs, will meet Apple fans. Kutcher, 35, will appear as Jobs to reproduce the scenes of the tech icon delivering his legendary speeches at Macworld iWorld trade shows in the U.S., according to the Macworld iWorld Asia organizing committee. The event was launched by the Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau and International Data Group (IDG) in 2011. Macworld iWorld was initiated by IDG in 1985 in San Francisco, and the four-day event has continued to run for the last 27 years in the second week of January at San Franciscos Moscone Center.
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Απάντηση #8 στις:
Αυγούστου 28, 2013, 11:48:13 πμ »
Tourism as an export for Thailand.
For many regions like Hawaii, Seychelles, Grenada tourism is the most important export earner. So is tourism for the Kingdom of Thailand.
A leading Thai academic has proposed that Thailand's tourism play important roles in place of exports and tourist destinations be developed before the formation of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) by 2015, Thai News Agency (TNA) reported.
Ath Phisanwanit, Director of the Center for International Trade Studies of Bangkok-based University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, aired the proposal on Tuesday.
Ath referred to an updated study showing that the most popular tourist destination in the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (A) last year was Malaysia with over 25 million international visitors, followed by Thailand with more than 22 million international visitors, who spent over 980 billion baht, and Singapore with 14 million international visitors.
Ath assessed that Malaysia should remain the top destination in Asean after 2015 due to more favourable factors, projecting that the number of international visitors to Thailand should increase to 27 million by 2015, earning the country more than 1.22 trillion baht of tourism-related revenues then.
According to Ath, the number of international visitors to Thailand is also anticipated to increase to 34.5 million by 2020 and Thailand's tourism-related revenues should exceed 1.65 trillion baht then, with Chinese visitors to form the lion's share of the international visitors to the country.
The senior academic also predicted that the growth rate of international visitors to Myanmar should be the fastest in Asean, by 38.3 per cent, by 2015 and 57.8 per cent by 2020.
The senior academic suggested that Thailand effectively manage tourism resources, promote safety, introduce public high-speed internet services, improve public transit systems, especially high-speed trains, and warmly welcome Chinese tourists whose arrivals have grown fastest, as the Thai tourism has earned the Kingdom significantly, in place of exports, over the past few years.
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Απάντηση #9 στις:
Αυγούστου 28, 2013, 17:31:27 μμ »
Thai food to the world through ten cool infographics.
Aug 28, 2013
The TAT has prepared a state-of-the-art series of infographics to show the world the variety, abundance, and different types of Thai food available throughout the Kingdom. The series of artistically rendered graphics does an amazing job of demystifying the mind-bogglingly complex -- at least to foreigners -- Thai food scene with in all its diversity.
Thais instinctively know where to go to get the type of food they want; they also know what kinds of food are available at different venues, be it food courts, floating markets, or street stalls. Foreigners have been pretty much left to their own devices, ordering what they see in a catch-as-catch-can or hit-and-miss manner.
The options are indeed staggering for newcomers to Thailand, and it can take years even for foreigners living in Thailand to master the Thai food scene in all its incarnations and manifestations. Most tourists must depend on limited Thai-English menus, which unfortunately only show a small part of the picture.
Now, through these infographics, tourists can not only learn about all the different types of food at different places, but also gain important knowledge about the health aspects of Thai food, the different regional cuisines, and the critical art of dining etiquette that is unique to Thailand.
In addition to old hands and periodic visitors to the Kingdom, newcomers to Thailand will benefit greatly from this introduction to Thai foods in general, the most popular dishes, where to find them, how to enjoy them, and how to eat in the local manner without drawing attention to yourself or making any accidental cultural missteps.
Specifically, the ten infographics cover the following subjects:
1. Tom Yam Koong (Hot & Spicy Shrimp Soup)
2. Top 10 street foods
3. Thai foods at a floating market
4. Thai foods from the 4 regions of Thailand
5. Most popular Thai dishes
6. Most popular Thai noodle dishes
7. Thai fruits
8. Thai Dining Do's & Don'ts
9. Thai herbal drinks
10. Thai desserts
Thais are blessed with one of the best cuisines in the world, and they certainly appreciate and take advantage of this blessing wherever they go. Now, armed with these infographics, a new world of culinary delight is opened up to visitors.
Henceforth, they will know: what type of foods are available on the street; what is that Thai noodle dish they love called, and where can they find it; how many different herbal drinks are available for sampling; where can they find that amazing Thai dessert again; and what foods can they expect to find as they travel to the four corners of the Kingdom?
This is a part of the Amazing Thai Food project, now being promoted by the TAT at
. In addition to the infographics mentioned above, visitors can also read and download many interesting articles, content, e-brochures & videos on this website.
The Amazing Thai Food project will undoubtedly be one of the TAT's most popular, useful, and practical campaigns, one which is sure to have many grateful, appreciative, and satisfied fans.
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Απάντηση #10 στις:
Αυγούστου 29, 2013, 09:43:18 πμ »
Macedonian traces found in China.
In antiquity when the Ancient Greeks and Romans referred to the Chinese they used to call them by the Latin name Sinae, which the Chinese have kept until today (China). The greatest proof is the fact that the most important monument of China is known worldwide as the Great Sinic Wall.
Throughout the years, among other archaeological findings discovered in China, there is the Sampul tapestry, a woolen wall-hanging which depicts a soldier, probably Greek, and a Centaur. Moreover, there are also statues of Greek soldiers of the 3rd century B.C. Several statuettes and representations of Greek soldiers have been found north of Tien Shan. The above are both displayed in the Xinjiang Museum, Urumqi, China.
Moving on, today we know that the Chinese pyramids are in fact tombs-mausoleums, internationally known as tumulus mounds. But only ancient Macedonians used to build tombs for their kings. The existence of such sacred monuments in the “forbidden zone”, means that the local emperors of the time actually followed the sacred “road” chosen or suggested by the Macedonians, apparently soldiers of Alexander the Great, who did not wish to go their way back.They even adopted the same magnificent Macedonian way for burying their kings.
So far there have been at least 12 ancient Greek cities unearthed in China. That is the real reason why the Chinese government, dissatisfied, decided to put an end to all these archaeological missions.
However, since 1980 the ongoing archaeological interest around China once again pushed a group of both Chinese and Japanese researchers to begin searching for the rumored lost Kashgar Old city.
But it was in 1993, when an archaeological discovery really shook the historic waters. An ancient Greek civilization was revealed in the Chinese city of Niya in Taklamakan. Within the ruins, archaeologists found iron axes and sickles, wooden clubs, pottery urns and jars in the homes, coins bronze mirrors, rings and other possessions that were all of Greek origin.
Furthermore, all eight mummies and skeletons that were found had blonde and brown hair (European characteristics and not Chinese) along with other Greek features.
So, from all the above the following question is now raised: Since Alexander the Great officially reached the Ganges River, how on earth were Greek cities discovered beyond it in China?
Just some food for thought as it probably seems that history should be rewritten…
Alexander the Great, China, Great Sinic Wall., Sampul tapestry, Xinjiang Museum
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Απάντηση #11 στις:
Αυγούστου 29, 2013, 13:22:33 μμ »
Σε αρχαια Ελληνικα κειμενα αναφερονται αναλυτικα οι εμπορικες σχεσεις με τους Σινους η Σινες, οπως χαρακτηριστικα ονομαζονταν οι κατοικοι της σημερινης Κινας απο τους προγονους μας.
Απο κει προκυπτουν και οι νεωτερες ονομασιες "Σινικο Τειχος", "Σινικη μεταξη" κ.τ.λ.
Οι Βρεττανοι πηραν τη συγκεκριμενη λεξη, την εγκολπωσαν στο λεξιλογιο τους και την διεδωσαν σε ολο τον κοσμο με την πασιγνωστη πια ονομασια CHINA.
Ο Marco Polo αναφερει χαρακτηριστικα στο βιβλιο του οτι οι Κινεζοι ηγεμονες του εκαναν λογο για τις εμπορικες σχεσεις που ειχαν οι προκατοχοι τους με τους απογονους του Μεγαλου Αλεξανδρου.
Ο μεγαλος γεωγραφος της αρχαιοτητας Στραβων μιλαει και με λεπτομερειες γι αυτες τις σχεσεις.
"N' αγαπας την ευθυνη.
Να λες εγω, εγω μοναχος μου
Θα σωσω τον κοσμο.
Αν χαθει, εγω θα φταιω."
Νικος Καζαντζακης
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Απάντηση #12 στις:
Αυγούστου 29, 2013, 17:20:06 μμ »
Thailand's top ten street markets.
TripAdvisor has revealed what its users from around the world believe are the top ten street markets in Thailand.
Topping the list is Chiang Mai’s Sunday Night Market which is located near Tha Pae Gate and extends for approximately 1 kilometer down the full length of Ratchadamnoen Road.
As recommended by a TripAdvisor traveller, “Great shopping with amazing bargains. You can graze your way through the walking streets with every kind of appetizer, main course, sweet on offer.”
Bangkok’s most famous Chatuchak Weekend Market also features in the list, as well as the unique Maeklong Railway Market and Amphawa Floating Market.
According to TripAdvisor, the top 10 street markets in Thailand are:
1. Sunday Night Market Walking Street– Tha Pae Gate, Chiang Mai
2. Maeklong Railway Market (Talad Rom Hub), Samut Songkhram
3. Saturday Night Market Walking Street – Wua Lai Road, Chiang Mai
4. Pak Khlong Talat (Flower Market) – Bangkok
5. Chatuchak Weekend Market – Bangkok
6. Phuket Town Night Market – Phuket Town, Phuket
7. Amphawa Floating Market – Amphawa, Samut Songkhram
8. Siam Square – Bangkok
9. Hua Hin Night Bazaar – Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan
10. Night Bazaar – Chiang Mai
“Street markets are an integral part of Thai culture and are popular with both locals and foreigners alike,” said Jean Ow-Yeong, TripAdvisor spokesperson.
“For that authentic and unique Thai shopping experience, TripAdvisor’s global community of travellers have uncovered the best street markets in the nation.”
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Απάντηση #13 στις:
Αυγούστου 30, 2013, 07:18:41 πμ »
Myanmar ups security for foreign visitors.
Myanmar has tightened security measures to prevent terrorists attacks on foreign tourists visiting the country, especially in popular sites, according to police.
Rumours of possible terrorist attacks and recent riots have required Myanmar's police force to beef up security measures for foreign visitors.
"Our force still doesn't cover the whole country, but effective security measures have been taken in areas where most tourists visit. The Tourist Police Department are now working together with local police forces in implementing these measures. As our force is still young, we have requirements to get better in our services. So we're trying hard to improve," said Police Colonel Myo Min Oo of the Tourist Police Department.
Local police departments across the country are also leading activities such as engaging in public talks to ensure tourist security.
"Many tourists visit our area. So our police force patrols the area every day. We have also taken necessary preventive measures in the area. A day before, we had persuaded a foreign couple to get to a nearby hotel as they said they would stay by the roadside for the night. We give help as much as we can," said a senior police officer from Nyaung Shwe Township Police Department in Shan State.
Source: stuff.co.nz
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Απάντηση #14 στις:
Αυγούστου 30, 2013, 11:24:29 πμ »
North Korea is building on International tourism.
Aug 29, 2013
KCNA, the state news agency of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, or DPRK, reported Wednesday that the reclusive nation would direct “big efforts” to build tourism into one of its major industries in the coming years.
Tourism in North Korea is organized by one of several state-owned tourism bureaus, including Korea International Travel Company (KITC), Korean International Sports Travel Company (KISTC) and Korean International Youth Travel Company (KIYTC). Tourism in North Korea is highly controlled by the government, which is one of the reasons it is not a frequently visited destination — between 3,000 to 4,000 Western tourists visit North Korea each year, along with thousands of Asians.
Tourists must go on guided tours and must have their tour guides with them at all times. As of June 2011, the northern border to China has been opened and Chinese citizens are free to drive their own vehicles to Luo, a small North Korean northeast border region where they are free to explore, mingle and photograph. This is seen as a first step towards expanded tourism and development in that region.
Photography and interaction with local people has historically been tightly controlled, however, from photos seen around the internet and evidence from travelers to the DPRK, those restrictions seem to have been relaxed a bit in the past few years. In fact, as of January 2013, foreigners are allowed to buy SIM cards at the Pyongyang airport, giving them access to international calling.
“The country has a bright future to develop tourism,” Jo Song Gyu, director of the International Travel Company of the DPRK, told KCNA, adding that North Korea was “abundant in tourism resources.”
Gyu said the country planned to open up regular air routes between Pyongyang, Lake Samji and Wonsan for local and foreign tourists in the near future. The country also hopes to expand air routes to China from Beijing to cities like Shanghai and Yanji.
“Air services will also be available for people in Southeast Asia and Europe to come to DPRK for sightseeing,” Gyu boasted. “Wonsan and Mts. Maeku and Chilbo areas are likely to be linked with other countries and regions by air services.”
The director’s ambitious plans do not stop there. He said economic development zones to be built in each province would serve as tourism destination, while hotels in Pyongyang would be renovated “at the world’s level.” Plans are also in the works for fitness centers, service complexes and souvenir and duty-free shops for tourists.
“The government will allow foreigners to launch independent business or joint venture in the country to invest in tourist resorts and economic development zones and construct and manage hotels, shops and other tourist facilities,” Gyo said, adding that North Korea would render preferential treatment to foreign businesses that come to the DPRK sooner rather than later “so that they can begin making profits as early as possible.” The DPRK is particularly interested in inviting experts for development of tourist resorts and the operation of hotels and restaurants.
While a North Korean official has rarely been so direct in his plans for the nation’s nascent tourism sector, the country has made several steps toward buoying its industry in recent years. Most, however, have ended it complete failure.
German luxury hotelier Kempinski made the shocking announcement last November that it would open at least 100 rooms by the end of 2013 at the long-abandoned Ryugyong Hotel, North Korea’s tallest building. Amid growing tensions on the Korean Peninsula this April, it made the less shocking revelation that it had pulled out of the project.
Michael Henssler, regional president of Kempinski China, boasted to International Business Times in December that the Kempinski-branded five-star hotel would “absolutely meet international standards,” including five revolving restaurants, a spa, business center, ballroom, shops and even an artistic center at the base with a theater and cinema. It remains unclear whether the so-called “Hotel of Doom” is indeed doomed, or if Pyongyang will open it without an international partner.
Beyond the troubles at Ryugyong Hotel, North Korea’s resume of failed tourist projects is a long one. One of the first leaps into luxury travel was a proposed cruise ship from the rundown northeastern port of Rason to the scenic resort of Mount Kumgang, launched in September 2011. In reality, the ship was an aging ferry banned from traveling to Japan under U.N. sanctions, and after inviting the global media for a ride, the ferry-cum-cruise made just two more voyages, according to Tad Farrel of NK News.
More recently, KCNA documented leader Kim Jong-un’s plan to construct a “world class” ski resort to rival the facilities under construction in South Korea for the 2018 Winter Olympic Games. The hope was that the hills well beyond the eastern edge of Pyongyang would look remarkably similar to those surrounding Pyeongchang, the 2018 Olympic host city. Yet, attempts to purchase ski equipment, including lifts, have all but failed under U.N. sanctions on luxury goods.
While North Korea makes its bombastic claims about the potential for tourism, the figures speak another story. Last year, just 4,000 Westerners and 20,000 Chinese visited the nation. Chinese predominantly arrived for trips 48 hours or less, while most Westerners came in with specialist groups like Young Pioneer Tours or Koryo Tours (each of which are met by government minders who restrict interactions with ordinary citizens).
Yet, numbers are rising. Chris White, travel director of Young Pioneer Tours, told IBTimes last month that tensions on the Korean Peninsula earlier this year only increased interest in North Korean travel, with customer bookings double what they were in 2012. Nick Bonner of Koryo Tours, which ushers in about half of all Westerners, said his numbers were also up for the second half of 2013.
“More people now know it is possible to visit the DPRK and are interested in seeing it,” White explained. “We estimate that as North Korea continues to open up to foreign tourists, our tours will continue to grow in popularity with record numbers."
Bonner, too, said “it seems tourists still see North Korea as a safe destination and one to tick off on their world travels.” But he cautioned that, even looking at the record numbers of visitors over this past month’s Mass Games, “by world standards, this is still ‘low season’ with under 2,000 Westerners visiting at this time.”
Gangnam Style saw some 11.1 million international visitors horse-hopping to South Korea last year. Comparatively, North Korea might as well be on the moon.
This is Asia .-
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