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« Απάντηση #15 στις: Αυγούστου 31, 2013, 05:01:12 πμ »
Jakarta targets 8-10% growth in 2013 tourist arrivals.

Aug 30, 2013
Despite the global economic slowdown, the Province of Jakarta is optimistic that the capital city will be able to reach a growth of between 8% - 10% in international tourist arrivals and an increase of 17% - 20% in domestic visitors this year, said Arie Budiman, Head of the Tourist and Culture Office of Jakarta.

In the past 5 years, tourism to Jakarta grew by a yearly average of 8.05%, while domestic tourists grew at a yearly average of 16.77%. Last year 2012, Jakarta welcomed 2.12 million international visitors and 28.1 million domestic tourists.

Tourism contributes Rp 2.6 trillion to Jakarta’s provincial GDP, however, receives only an approximate 3% of this amount for tourism promotion. Nonetheless, Arie Budiman is convinced that increased arrivals from Asia and the Middle East as well as more domestic tourists will continue to be drawn to Jakarta which offers more shopping facilities and more events and concerts with international stars, reports Kompas daily.

On the program for development in Jakarta is an amphitheater by the Rio Ria dam, improvements to the Setu Babakan village of Jakarta’s indigenous Betawi ethnic group, and better organized regular city tours.

Meanwhile to improve the old city of Batavia, a Destination Management Organization for Old Batavia (or DMO Kota Tua) has been established with active participation from stakeholders, so that, among others, cleanliness and orderliness of the Fatahillah Square and surroundings have been greatly improved, with vendors more neatly organized.

Statistics issued by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy showed that in the first Semester of 2013, Jakarta received 1,081,536 international visitors, up 8.8% compared to the previous year when the capital received 993,898 tourists.

Highest number of visitors to Jakarta came from Malaysia, followed by China, Japan, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, USA and Australia.

While foreign tourist arrivals through all entry ports in Indonesia from January through June 2013, totaled 4,154,478 visitors, a growth of 7.18% compared to the same period in 2012.

Source: indonesia.travel
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« Απάντηση #16 στις: Αυγούστου 31, 2013, 09:44:25 πμ »
Top Japanese developer investing in three Asean countries

Tokyo August 30, 2013 1:00 am

Mitsui Fudosan, Ananda join forces for Bt6.5 bn condo on Rama IV

Mitsui Fudosan Residential Company is confident in the continued growth of the ASEAN economies and is expanding into Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia this year after first investing in Singapore 40 years ago.

"We are confident that ASEAN countries' economies will still grow, especially the Asean-5 countries - Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines - by the targeted 5 per cent next year. Although they are facing low growth in the second half of this year, it is a short-term situation," group chairman and chief executive officer Kiyotaka Fujibayashi said.

The group early this year invested more than Bt10 billion in residential and retail projects in Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia.

In Thailand, Mitsui Fudosan set up a joint-venture firm with Ananda Development, Ananda MF Asia, with registered capital of Bt900 million. The Japanese company holds a 49-per-cent stake in the JV, 49 per cent is held by Ananda Development, and the rest by minor shareholders.

Ananda MF Asia has set aside an investment budget of Bt1.8 billion, half from the company's capital and the rest borrowed from the major shareholders, to develop Ideo Q Rama 4, a condominium project worth Bt6.5 billion near the Sam Yan MRT station.

The project will open to presales in the fourth quarter, and plans to be complete and transferred to customer in 2016 at a starting price of Bt2.89 million per unit.

A project loan from Bangkok Bank has already been approved.

"We also plan to develop an average of two residential projects worth Bt10 billion a year by way of our joint-venture firm," Fujibayashi said.

Ananda MF Asia is also interested in developing office and retail projects in the future.

In Malaysia and Indonesia, the group is also investing through joint ventures with local partners to develop the both residential and retail projects, Fujibayashi said.

Mitsui Fudosan Residential is a leader in the Japanese property market. The group recorded total sales this fiscal year (April 2012-March 2013) worth Bt466 billion. It develops and transfers to customers 5,000-6,000 residential units a year.

Ananda Development president and CEO Chanond Ruangkritya said the JV firm would focus on large residential projects worth more than Bt5 billion, while Ananda Development itself would continue to develop condominium projects worth up to Bt3 billion.

"To expand our investment into larger projects, we needed a partner to reduce our business risk for the long term," he said.

Ananda Development plans to launch nine new condominium projects worth Bt10 billion in the current second half, two of which opened last week worth Bt3.2 billion.

It will deliver Bt10.2 billion worth of homes to its customers this half, including Bt1.02 billion worth in the current quarter. The remaining Bt9.2 billion worth will be booked as revenue in the fourth quarter. This will result in a net profit for the full year, he said.

Ananda Development recorded revenue of Bt1.9 billion and a net loss of Bt91.3 million in the first half.

The Nation
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It's a nice day today in Thailand....keep smiling


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Απ: ASIA news
« Απάντηση #17 στις: Αυγούστου 31, 2013, 18:10:17 μμ »
Thai tourism launches Fabulous 40+photo contest.

BANGKOK, Thailand - As part of its international "Find Your Fabulous" wellness and medical tourism campaign, the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is unveiling a friendly global competition intended to salute ladies who are still fit and fabulous after their 40th birthdays.

The Fabulous 40+ Photo Contest invites women from around the world to submit images showing off their fabulous form, and the contestant showing the most youthful, age-defying appearance will be rewarded with an exclusive 3-day Find Your Fabulous trip to Bangkok.

For 40+ foxes fixing to put their likenesses proudly on display, the excitement begins on Facebook. Candidates become fans of ThailandMedTourism and the Find Your Fabulous campaign; then, they submit their most fabulous photos – with their name, age range (40+, 45+, 50+), current location, and a photo description. Submissions should show the fresh face and figure, confidence, poise, and charisma that defines the modern, fabulous woman today in her 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond.

The winners of the Fabulous 40+ Photo Contest will be determined by the number of "votes." The one with the most votes will be the winner, followed by the first and second runners-up respectively. The winner will receive a 3-day/2-night exclusive health and beauty package for herself and one friend.

In addition to a full medical checkup, dermatology treatments, and a spa package, the grand prize also includes two roundtrip air tickets and a deluxe 2-night stay at the stylish 5-star Sofitel So Bangkok, with daily breakfast. The first runner-up will receive the health & wellness packages for two as well as accommodation, while the second runner-up will receive the health and wellness packages for herself and a friend. All the awards – 3 awards for 2 persons each - bring the total value of the prizes to over USD $30,000.

The contest runs between now and the 30th of September, 2013, with the winners' announcement via Facebook scheduled for the 3rd of October. Awards are redeemable between the 15th of October and the 15th of December, 2013.

The TAT hopes that the Fabulous 40+ Photo Contest will further illuminate Thailand's thriving medical and wellness industry and the wealth of top-quality, convenient, and affordable aesthetic treatments on offer for international tourists of all shapes and sizes.

For more information, please visit www.facebook.com/thailandmedtourismfanpage


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« Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Αυγούστου 31, 2013, 18:15:25 μμ από turmeric2u »
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Απ: ASIA news
« Απάντηση #18 στις: Σεπτεμβρίου 03, 2013, 10:34:55 πμ »
2013 Asian Exposition Seafood opens today.

HONG KONG - The fourth edition of the Asian Seafood Exposition welcomes thousands of fish and seafood buyers and suppliers from around the world when it opens its doors today at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Organized by Diversified Business Communications, the exhibition which runs daily from September 3-5, is one of the industry's most prominent trade shows focusing on luxury premium seafood and the supply chain in Asia.

Located in Hall 5BC, visitors have the opportunity to directly source new products from quality premium seafood suppliers from around the region, as well as international markets including the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, Bahrain, Ecuador, Estonia amongst other countries.

Featuring over 165 exhibitors, chefs, buyers and traders from the food service, retail, hospitality and import and export industries have access to a wide range of premium fish and seafood products such as lobster, crab, prawns, scallops, oysters, mussels, sea cucumbers, urchins, salmon, tuna, abalone and caviar.

In addition, a diverse group of fisheries and aquaculture specialists will be on hand to showcase the latest innovations in the processing, storing, carving, packaging and transportation of goods. This includes a particular emphasis on state-of-the-art technologies now being adopted by the sector to meet increasing demand in the region for higher quality and more luxurious seafood.

Speaking at the event, Ms. Mary Larkin, Vice President of Seafood Expositions at Diversified Business Communications expresses that despite the economic turbulence of the last few years, seafood production is expected to increase against steady demand particularly for higher value products.

"A recent report published by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations indicates that world fisheries and aquaculture production is likely to reach 181 million tonnes by 2022, which equates to an 18% increase when compared to the 2010-12 period. Most production gains are likely to come from aquaculture which is expected to grow by 35% over this period," remarks Ms. Larkin.

With regard to the seafood-friendly Asia Pacific, recent reports suggest that consumption in the region is expected to be twice that of Europe and North America at almost USD 35 billion by 2030. Equally significant, China will continue to have a major impact on international aquaculture markets with fish consumption per capita expected to expand over the next decade to 42.6 kg in 2022 which represents a growth rate of 1.5% per annum.

"There is no doubt that China's trade patterns and consumer tastes are evolving," continues Ms. Larkin. "Demand for higher value fish and luxury seafood products is flourishing in the mainland driven by a combination of increasing income levels, rising living standards, population growth, as well as dietary changes linked to rapid urbanization."

Ms. Larkin comments that this year's Asian Seafood Exposition serves as a powerful platform for seafood farmers and suppliers to acquaint themselves with marketplace trends both across China and the entire Asian region. She notes that for international companies this presents a unique opportunity to capture a share of or increase their presence in the regional market.

Aside from the exhibition itself, interactive culinary demonstrations and master classes will run alongside the exposition. "The goal is to encourage smart purchasing and preparation of seafood including knowing where the product comes from, what to look for, cooking techniques, and sustainability," points out Ms. Larkin.

The show's agenda also includes conferences and workshops covering the supply chain and investment in the region with key programme highlights including the following:

Date Time Presentation Title

3 September 12:30 - 13:10 Culinary Demonstration

-- Australian Wild Abalone

Sponsored by Tasmanian Seafoods

Pty Ltd

3 September 14:00 - 14:40 Culinary Demonstration -- Premium

Iranian Beluga Caviar

Sponsored by Persia Caviar

4 September 12:30 - 13:10 Oyster Master Class

Presented by Jacques Cocollos of

Speciales-Donegal Bay

4 September 14:15 - 15:00 Abalone & Sea Cucumber Master


Presented by Bev Amos of Tasmanian

Seafoods Pty Ltd and

Richard Stevens of Western

Australian Fishing Industry

Council Inc. (WAFIC)

4 September 15:30 - 16:30 Lobster Master Class

Presented by Dave Thompson of

Indian Ocean Rock Lobster,

Edris Kitao of Kingdom Service

& Trade GmbH, and

John Norton of Cozy Harbor

5 September 10:30 - 12:00 Sustainability Panel: Updates on


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« Απάντηση #19 στις: Σεπτεμβρίου 04, 2013, 05:04:06 πμ »
Is Thailand's position of a leader in medical tourism threatened by China?

Sep 04, 2013
For the time being at least, Thailand's position as Asia's pre-eminent medical tourism destination is safe, but what about China?

As reported by concerned Thai news media the words "Chinese" and "medical tourism" in the same sentence might look strange, but major efforts are underway to secure China a significant and growing share of this lucrative market.

Globally, medical tourism is booming. An estimated 6 million people travel internationally each year to seek medical treatment, with the sector estimated to be worth around US$100 billion in 2012, growing at an annual rate of 20-30 percent.

Many medical professionals believe that China can be competitive globally, given its advantageous healthcare prices. Heart surgeries cost around one tenth of US prices while hip or knee replacements in Shanghai are more than 70 percent cheaper than in the US.

Shanghai was among the first places in China to get serious about medical tourism. In June 2010, the Shanghai Medical Tourism Products and Promotion Platform was established with the support of local government agencies including health and tourism bureaus. The platform was soon able to bring together over 20 participating hospitals in the metropolis, handling patient inquiries online, helping contact hospitals that can offer the right treatment, and even arranging the entire trip. While it's unclear how successful the initiative has been, the company that runs the platform cites around 100 inquiries a month, and says many patients from Argentina, for example, have been treated for cancer.

Shanghai East Hospital, located in the city's financial center, is one of the platform's initiators. It treats about 50,000 foreign patients a year, although it's uncertain how many of these have travelled to China for treatment. The platform's websites list a dozen of wide-ranging treatments on offer, from cancer treatment to cosmetic surgery to fertility treatment.

Following Shanghai, Hainan Province in April this year published a plan to build a special zone for medical tourism, the first in the country. Some have also suggested that China promote its traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to draw in medical tourists.

For example, Sanya TCM Hospital in Sanya, Hainan Province, has been promoting TCM therapies such as acupuncture, massage and cupping therapy to attract tourists. Since 2002, the hospital has received over 25,000 overseas patients, mainly from Russia and Central Asia. The program has proven so popular that the hospital last year set up a travel agency to help expand its medical tourism business.

But it would be misleading to imply China is ready for primetime medical tourism. Experts say the country still has a long way to go before it can challenge the industry's established leaders - particularly Thailand, India, South Korea and Singapore - which attract the bulk of the more than 60,000 Chinese who travel abroad for medical treatment each year. They caution that Chinese hospitals don't quite measure up to "world class" standard yet, on aspects such as international patient communication and management, patient safety and security, partnerships and value of service. Another concern is that China is undergoing healthcare reform and one of its primary goals is to strengthen the non-profit status of public hospitals. Medical tourism, as a relatively high-end form of healthcare, might take away resources needed for the basic healthcare of the Chinese population.

Promoters of medical tourism, however, point to government regulations that allow public hospitals to set aside 10 percent of their medical resources to VIP services. Some of these VIP service resources, as well as private and foreign investments, could be introduced to develop medical tourism.

Clearly, much depends on the Chinese government's resolve and commitment to developing medical tourism, since building the industry to be truly internationally competitive would involve cooperation between a number of government agencies including health, tourism and immigration.

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« Απάντηση #20 στις: Σεπτεμβρίου 04, 2013, 10:46:58 πμ »
Greek National Tourism Organization Pavilions Awarded in China.

GNTO’s presence in the Guangdong International Tourism Industry EXPO, which was held on August 30 and lasted until September 1, 2013, in Guangzhou, China, was unexpectedly successful.

In Guangzhou, GNTO won the best booth design award as well as the best organizing team award.

The Greek National Tourism Organization consisting of five Greek co-exhibitors, took part in the exhibition with a 72 m2 pavilion, in the framework of the presence of Greece in the international tourism exhibitions of China.

GNTO’s participation in this exhibition aimed at boosting Greece’s promotion in the tourism market of China, especially in Southern China, where there is special financial activity and extroversion.

 GNTO, Guangdong International Tourism Industry EXPO
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« Απάντηση #21 στις: Σεπτεμβρίου 05, 2013, 10:05:22 πμ »
Visitors to 8 Asian Capitals get more with 'one Asia pass"

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Visitors to eight Asian cities, including Kuala Lumpur, can expect to enjoy a variety of privileges such as discounts, free gifts and other benefits with the 'One Asia Pass' program launched on Wednesday.

The eight cities are members of the Council for Promotion of Tourism in Asia (CPTA). Besides Kuala Lumpur, the other CPTA member cities are Seoul, Tokyo, Hanoi, Bangkok, Jakarta, Taipei and New Delhi.

Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) director-general Datuk Salleh Yusup said that with this special pass, tourists who visited the cities would enjoy a variety of special promotional offers from a wide range of tourism product and service providers.

"These benefits will include discounts for tourist attractions, shopping and dining as well as some freebies when making purchases," he told reporters after launching the initiative here.

He said it was part of the 'Welcome to Asia' campaign that aimed to cross-sell and encourage longer visits to more member cities.

Salleh said this effort would hopefully lure more Westerners to visit this part of the world as well as encourage more travel among Asians themselves.

He said the programme had the potential to increase the number of tourist arrivals from outside Asia to Malaysia, generating economic growth through the tourism sector.

To enjoy the benefits of One Asia Pass, visit www.welcometoasia.jp and sign up for the programme online. A flight code is needed because touring the cities is a requirement for application.

Source: bernama.com.my
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« Απάντηση #22 στις: Σεπτεμβρίου 11, 2013, 09:21:03 πμ »
Asia Pacific travel and tourism at critical point.

Sep 10, 2013
BANGKOK, Thailand – “The Asia Pacific travel and tourism industry is at a critical point, growing at such a rapid rate compared to the rest of the world, that we must pay careful attention to how we are developing our businesses and the impact our practices have on our environment and culture,” said Martin Craigs, Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Chief Executive Officer.

PATA, in collaboration with the ASEAN-China Centre and the Jiuzhaigou National Park Administration, will organize the 3rd China Responsible Tourism Forum (CRTF) on September 12, 2013 at the Sheraton Hotel, Jiuzhaigou Sichuan, China.

Building on the success of the first two forums, this year's event brings together respected industry leaders to fully examine the impact of tourism development on cultural and natural environments. Under the theme “Beautiful China – A Responsible Visitor Economy,” the Forum is aptly being held in the UNESCO World Heritage site of Jiuzhaigou Valley.

Surrounded by spectacular landscapes that are home to many endangered species, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability experts from the visitor economy will provide provocative presentations of innovative ideas and concepts to engage participants in stimulating discussions that examine how as an industry we can engineer social change for the long-term preservation of our environment, while stimulating economic development through tourism and ecotourism.

Craigs said, “PATA is committed to facilitating an on-going dialogue and exchange of good practices to ensure that those in the industry remain focused on adopting socially responsible and sustainable practices that help protect and preserve the heritage and culture of China and neighbouring regions, while increasing the positive socio-economic impacts within our region.”

This year marks the first time that the concepts of “Beautiful China” and the promotion of responsible tourism development have been addressed during the quinquennial Communist Party of China's National Congress and keynote report.
PATA aims to leverage the CRTF as a platform for discussion and knowledge exchange between Chinese counterparts and the international industry. Delegates from all parts of the visitor economy in China and other ASEAN countries will have an opportunity to hear and debate critical new research and policies, emerging issues, challenges and opportunities influencing the industry and its future development and sustainability.

Mr. MA Mingqiang, Secretary-General of ASEAN- China Centre said, “Travel and tourism industry plays a key role in economic development, job creation and people-to-people communications. Statistics from China National Tourism Administration shows, in 2012 mainland Chinese travelers made altogether 9.7 million visitations to ASEAN Member States, while 5.89 million visitations from ASEAN Member States to China.”

He further stated, “In such a huge market, the travelers' behavior will unavoidably have an impact on the destination. As an inter-governmental organization, ASEAN-China Centre advocates that all industry insiders, including governments and private sectors from both ASEAN and China, should operate and develop tourism in a more responsible manner.”

National and international keynote speakers hail from all parts of the economy including government, education, the conservation sector, industry associations, tour operators and sustainability product providers and services. Representatives from leading CSR organizations such as EC3 Global and the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) will provide keynote presentations. Educational institutions such as Capilano University and Intercultural Education will provide examples of good practices and new ideas on stimulating discussion through education.

“Jiuzhaigou National Park has always taken conservation as the priority over tourism development,” said Zhang Xiaoping, Deputy President of CPPCC Aba Prefectural Committee, Director of Jiuzhaigou National Park. “With management and technology introducing and innovating, the park has made great achievements in environment and local culture protection as well as environmental education. We will continue working on the sustainable development to insure that we are responsible for the environment, the local community and also the future generations.”

For more information visit www.pata.org/events .

Source: pata.org
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« Απάντηση #23 στις: Σεπτεμβρίου 15, 2013, 00:38:37 πμ »
Malaysia expects to receive 700,000 medical tourists this year.

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Malaysia hopes to earn RM630 million from medical tourism this year from the rising number of patients flying in for healthcare, with 11 more hospitals being built to get a larger slice of the regional market.

Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) chief executive Dr Mary Wong has said the number of medical tourists jumped from 392,000 in 2010 to 671,000 in 2012.

The council expects to receive 700,000 medical visitors this year.

"This is the way forward. It is a very sustainable economic industry.

"Whether there is recession or no recession, in an up or down economy, when you're not well, you need to see a doctor," Dr Wong told a press conference in Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya Thursday.

She said the government was confident that it can attract more medical tourists, citing the country's relatively lower medical bills as a factor that would woo visitors.

Data from the council has shown the market growing in revenue from RM511 million in 2011 to RM594 million last year.

The global medical tourism market is worth from US$40 billion or RM130.2 billion to US$60 billion or RM195.3 billion with an estimated 7 million people flying annually to make such trips.

The agency's lower expectation with its forecast this year stems from the gloomy economic conditions, with medical tourism viewed as a form of luxury for the affluent.

Analysts said it was not surprising for patients to delay non-emergency treatment during an economic downturn, as seen in neighbouring Thailand when its medical tourism industry earnings fell in 2008 after the global financial crisis hit.

In Malaysia, despite tough economic times the government is still pushing for the industry's growth as one of the routes to generate income for the economy.

Source: QNA
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« Απάντηση #24 στις: Σεπτεμβρίου 16, 2013, 04:07:36 πμ »
Greek films show in Malaysia festival.

In the framework of the 14th European Union Film Festival (EUFF) that will take place in Malaysia in November and December, two Greek films will be projected for the first time.

After a proposition by the Greek community in Kuala Lumpur, the Greek films A touch of spice (Politiki kouzina) by Tassos Boulmetis and The Grocer (O Manavis) by Dimitris Koutsabasiakos will be projected during the festival.

The 14th EUFF will be held in three cities of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur on November 6-17, Penang on November 20-27 and Kota Kinabalu on December 4-11.

EUFF is an annual event that showcases a collection of films which draw on the creative and outstanding talents of European filmmakers. The Festival aims to share Europe’s diverse culture, history and identity with audiences of all walks of life, according to the EUFF official website.

  14th European Union Film Festival, Dimitris Koutsabasiakos, EU-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EUMCCI), Greece, Greek, Kota Kinabalu, Kuala Lumpur, O Manavis, Penang, Politiki Kouzina, Tassos Boulmetis

source: greekreporter

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« Απάντηση #25 στις: Σεπτεμβρίου 17, 2013, 05:45:13 πμ »
Demonstrations in Cambodia require Travelers' attention.

In light of recent events surrounding Cambodia's election results, Focus Asia is advising all of its clients to increase awareness of their surroundings while visiting Phnom Penh. They advise travelers to avoid large assemblies of people.

Focus Asia is constantly paying close attention to daily activities, working closely with local tour guides in Phnom Penh who are using their utmost discretion in assessing the situation between protesters and demonstrators during this time.

In regards to other areas of Cambodia, especially in Siem Reap, there have been no signs of demonstration or intended rallying. Daily life continues without interruption.

A sightseeing tour in Siem Reap or any other region in Cambodia is possible at the moment. In Phnom Penh, however, travelers should pay special attention to their whereabouts at all times.

Cambodia’s ruling party and the opposition met for five hours today and agreed to a series of steps to defuse the country’s tense post-election atmosphere. After the election results were revealed, a riot broke out in Phnom Penh late Sunday night with one man shot dead and many injured. Protestors began throwing stones and riot police answered back with tear gas.

The opposition, headed by Sam Rainsy and his deputy, Kem Sokha, contends that there were flaws that cost their party the election mainly that the National Election Committee (NEC) that oversees elections and the voter list contains more than one million ghost voters and duplicate names.

source: Focus Asia
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« Απάντηση #26 στις: Σεπτεμβρίου 20, 2013, 05:57:28 πμ »
Greek inscription on Hirosima peace bell.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, in the center of Hiroshima, Japan, is a park dedicated to the legacy of Hiroshima as the first city in the world to suffer a nuclear attack, and to the memories of the bomb’s direct and indirect victims ( of whom there may have been as many as 140,000).

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park has three bells. One of the three, called the Peace Bell, was built out in the open on September 20, 1964. The surface of the bell is a map of the world, and the “sweet spot” is an atomic symbol, designed by Masahiko Katori.

But why should a Bell in Japan be interesting to Greeks?

Because if you ever visit the Peace Park, you will be glad enough to realize that you can actually read one of the three inscriptions written on the surface of the Peace Bell.

An ancient Greek quote is written there along with its translations in Japanese, and in Sanskrit.

The inscription says ΓΝΩΘΙ ΣΑΥΤΟΝ which means “Know thyself”.

The Greek embassy donated the bell to the Peace Park and picked out the most appropriate ancient Greek philosophical quote of Socrates. The Sanskrit was translated by the Indian ambassador, and the Japanese by a university lecturer.

 greece news, greek news, Hiroshima, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, Japan, Know Thyself, Masahiko Katori, Peace Bell, ΓΝΩΘΙ ΣΑΥΤΟΝ
source: greekreporter.

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« Απάντηση #27 στις: Σεπτεμβρίου 23, 2013, 17:12:41 μμ »
Singapore Monday announced tighter rules on the hiring of foreign professional workers, saying companies will from next year have to show proof they first tried to recruit local citizens.

The change, taking effect in August 2014, follows protests and online complaints about the large number of foreigners in the affluent city-state.

The Ministry of Manpower said companies that discriminate against citizens "will be subject to additional scrutiny" when they apply for employment passes for foreign professionals.

"Even as we remain open to foreign manpower to complement our local workforce, all firms must make an effort to consider Singaporeans fairly," Acting Manpower Minister Tan Chuan Jin said in a statement.

"What we are doing is to put in place measures to nudge employers to give Singaporeans - especially our professionals, managers and executives - a fair chance at both job and development opportunities."

About 37 per cent of Singapore's total workforce of 3.36 million in 2012 were non-resident.

The ministry said companies must first advertise for Singaporeans to fill job vacancies in a national jobs bank administered by the government's workforce development agency.

Foreigners can be hired if no citizens are qualified.

Firms which have a "disproportionately low concentration" of Singaporean employees at professional level, and companies where foreign managers are accused of favouring their own compatriots in hiring, will also be put under tighter scrutiny, the ministry said.

Firms with 25 or fewer staff, or those recruiting for jobs paying SG$12,000 (about 300,000 baht) and above a month, will be exempted from the advertising rule.

Authorities have been phasing in measures to tighten foreign worker inflows after facing criticism from Singaporeans, who accuse foreigners of competing with them for jobs, housing, schools and space on public transport.

Singaporeans have also complained that the rapid influx in previous years is eroding their national identity.

The discontent spilled into general elections in 2011 when the ruling party garnered its lowest-ever vote count after more than 50 years in power.

Two rallies against the government's immigration policy were held earlier this year garnering crowds of more than 3,000, making them the country's biggest protests in decades.

bangkok post

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« Απάντηση #28 στις: Σεπτεμβρίου 24, 2013, 13:58:11 μμ »
Chinese Top 20 Outbound Destinations.

In conjunction with the booming Chinese travel market, TripAdvisor(, the today released a list of the top 20 most popular outbound destinations for mainland Chinese travellers. In 2012, China exceeded the US and Germany to become the world's largest source market for outbound tourism by expenditure.

Capturing a share of this growing market has become a top priority for tourism boards and travel suppliers alike. According to the China Tourism Academy(2), the Chinese outbound travel market is estimated to reach 94 million trips in 2013, up 15% year-on-year. These travellers are estimated to spend USD 117.6 billion (SGD 147.1 billion) on their trips, up 20% year-on-year.

TripAdvisor operates a highly customised version of TripAdvisor, designed specifically for Chinese travellers under the brand daodao.com. In July and August 2013, millions of unique visitors came to daodao.com to research outbound destinations, representing an increase of over 250% compared to the same time last year.

Lily Cheng, Managing Director, TripAdvisor China, said, "While Hong Kong and Macau continue to draw tens of millions of mainland tourists a year given their unique roles as duty-free shopping havens supported by easy transport links, family-friendly attractions and onward air routes to other international destinations, we are definitely seeing a shift in the market and mainland travellers have started to look further afield into destinations like Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea and beyond."

Lily Cheng continues, "This new generation of Chinese outbound travellers is making their own decisions about where to go, where to stay and what to do by doing their own research online, going beyond the old stereotype of big buses of group tourists. These travellers are savvy, sophisticated and do make an effort to understand and respect the local culture by doing a lot of online research before their trip. As they explore outside of mainland China, they are deliberately seeking out websites that have an established international presence to find more deals and more content."

Based on unique visitors recorded in July and August 2013 on daodao.com, the top 20 most popular destinations are as follows (comparing year-on-year growth for July and August 2012 versus July and August 2013):

-- Hong Kong, China (50%)
-- Phuket, Thailand (250%)
-- Taiwan (350%)
-- Bangkok, Thailand (270%)
-- Paris, France (360%)
-- Dubai, UAE (210%)
-- Macau, China (50%)
-- Seoul, South Korea (180%)
-- Singapore (170%)
-- Bali, Indonesia (310%)
-- Rome, Italy (180%)
-- Chiang Mai, Thailand (180%)
-- New York, United States (280%)
-- London, United Kingdom (120%)
-- Jeju Island, South Korea (570%)
-- Boracay, Philippines (360%)
-- Kyoto, Japan (580%)
-- Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia (550%)
-- Hanoi, Vietnam (510%)
-- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (190%)

Within the Top 20 destinations, Kyoto (Japan), Kota Kinabalu (Malaysia), Hanoi (Vietnam) and Jeju Island (South Korea) exhibited the highest year-on-year growth at high triple digits. Outside of the Top 20, destinations on the rise with over 4 times year-on-year growth from DaoDao users include Siem Reap (Cambodia), Pattaya (Thailand), Sabah (Malaysia) and Berlin (Germany).

To facilitate the tourism industry's understanding and preparation for this new wave of Chinese travellers, TripAdvisor will be releasing more insights about Chinese travellers in the coming months.

source: eturbonews.
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Απ: ASIA news
« Απάντηση #29 στις: Σεπτεμβρίου 27, 2013, 10:46:07 πμ »
Health problems to elderly linked to lifestyle.

More than half of China's elderly have health problems and their lifestyles are believed to be a leading contributor, officials and medical experts said on Thursday.

China's population is rapidly aging and the number of citizens older than 60 is expected to reach 202 million by the end of 2013, including 23 million older than 80, said Wu Yushao, vice-president of the China National Committee on Aging.

By then, 37.5 million elderly Chinese, or 19 percent of the senior population, will require daily care because of disabilities.

Only about 40 percent of Chinese people over 60 are considered healthy, compared with 60 percent in developed economies, Wu said, citing 2008 statistics from the World Health Organization.

Tao Guoshu, a retired doctor from the Chinese PLA General Hospital who specialized in geriatrics in Beijing, said cardiovascular disease, cancer and cerebrovascular disease are common among elderly Chinese patients, and about 60 percent of health issues were triggered by unhealthy lifestyles.

High blood pressure, a common complaint among elderly Chinese, is closely related to the dietary habit of eating too much salt, he said.

"People in China lack common sense about health," he said. "There is an urgent need to popularize basic health knowledge and encourage people to improve their way of life in order to further increase the life expectancy in China."

On Thursday, the China National Committee on Aging and the National Health and Family Planning Commission released an instruction book for seniors on how to live healthily.

Wu said the brochure includes 36 suggestions for diet, sports, mental health, health management and social interaction.

Regarding nutrition, the book advises the elderly to eat more fresh food and dairy products and avoid eating leftovers.

Copies of the book will be provided for free in community activity centers for the elderly, universities dedicated for the aged and elderly associations, he said.

He Zhaohua, deputy head of the National Health and Family Planning Commission's family development department, said his ministry has been taking measures to improve the health of the elderly, including providing free health checks since last year for nationals over 65.

"The aging population has imposed huge challenges on the public health services," he said, adding that enabling more seniors to live a healthy lifestyle can prevent disease and enhance their quality of life.

source: Chinadaily
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