Βίζα θα πάρεις εύκολα στο σημείο άφιξης σου.
Για να λειτουργεί η ταϊλανδική σιμ , θα πρέπει να κάνεις ρόαμινγκ
1. Visa on Arrival can be obtained at the Visa Counter upon arrival at Cambodia International Airports in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and Preah Sihanouk.
2. A visa can be issued upon arrival at the border checkpoints into Cambodia as mentioned bellow:
1-O’smach (Oddar Meanchay Province)
2-Poipet (Beantey MeanChay Province)
3-Prom (Pailin City)
4-Daung (Battambang Province)
5-Chorm (Oddormeanchey)
6-Cham Yeam (Koh Kong Province)
1-Bavet (Svay Rieng Province)
2-Kaom Samnor(Kandal Province)
3-Phnom Den(Takeo Province)
4-Trapaing Sre(Kratie Province)
5-Tropaing Phlong (Kampong Cham Province)
Application for a tourist visa requires:
* A completed visa application form
* A Passport with at least 6 months validity
* One recent photograph (2 inches x 2 inches)
* Appropriate visa fee (US$35)
* Important: In order to be admitted into the country, tourists may need to demonstrate that they have sufficient funds for their stay and a return ticket.