Αποστολέας Θέμα: Thailand Internet Expo 2009  (Αναγνώστηκε 2943 φορές)

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Thailand Internet Expo 2009
« στις: Ιανουαρίου 30, 2009, 15:01:11 μμ »
1. Event Name

Thailand Internet Expo 2009

2. Date
30 th January – 1 st February 2009
from 10.00 – 20.00 hrs .

3. Venue
The Royal Paragon Hall Exhibition
and Convention Center 5 th Floor,
Siam Paragon Complex
(Approximate Space 7,100 sq.m.)
4. Objective    

1. To exhibit the technology advancement of Internet Service Provider including E-business Entrepreneur to demonstrate the potential of E-business in Thailand .
2. To promote selling of internet merchandise / service by allowing the service user to meet with service provider and E-business Entrepreneur directly.
3. To stimulate higher level of internet consumption in working and daily life.
4. To distribute knowledge and public relation about creative and secure Internet usage.
5. Organizer    

Thailand Internet Service Provider Association ( TISPA) and CAT Telecom Public Company Limited ( CAT)
6. Show Manager    

Index Event Agency Public Company Limited

7. Target Group

1. Thai Internet Service Provider Association ( TISPA)
2. Internet Service Provider
3. Internet Business Entrepreneur

1. Businessman, Industrialist and Entrepreneur
2. Internet User and Related Person from Government and Private Sector
3. Public, Student
4. Press
8. Event Format    

The Exhibition area will be divided into 3 areas :
1. Business Negotiation Area and Main Stage
2. Internet Exhibition Area
3. Seminar and Discussion Area

9. Main Idea of Thailand Internet Expo 2009

The purpose of the event is to be a “Market Place” for the Internet Service Provider, Internet Business Entrepreneur and Internet User to meet together to create business opportunity and relationship.
10. Activities    

•  Booths from Internet Business Entrepreneur to demonstrate merchandise and service.
•  Seminar to provide knowledge about Internet Business
•  Business Negotiation to expand the opportunity in commercial and investment of Internet Business
•  Set up the exhibition to provide knowledge about the revolutionary of Internet.
11. Additional Information

For more information please contact,

Index Event Agency Public Company Limited

Tel: 0 2725 9 342 Fax: 0 2390 2485

E-mail ss@indexevent.com , pka@indexevent.com

"Δικό σου είναι αυτό που δεν μπορεί να υπάρξει χωρίς εσένα"
The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry