Αποστολέας Θέμα: Chiang Mai Flower Festival  (Αναγνώστηκε 2287 φορές)

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Chiang Mai Flower Festival
« στις: Φεβρουαρίου 08, 2009, 14:56:54 μμ »
33rd Chiang Mai Flower Festival 2009
Date : 6 - 8 February 2009
Venue : Nong Buak Hat Park, Chiang Mai

If you are obsessed with beautiful flowers and decorative plants, this is the festival for you.
Experience these beautiful flower-decorated floats and a magnificent tapestry of floral splendor
blankets the land.
There are also agricultural exhibitions, floral contents, and product sales by local groups of housewives.

A highlight of the festival is the grand parade that attracts sponsoring companies and organisations
that beautify floats with elaborate flower decorations, presenting an eco-tourism message or just
simply stealing the hearts of spectators with their vivid colours and beauty.

The parade leads up to the annual beauty competition to crown the city’s flower queen,
who represents the flower growers and exporters as an ambassador of good will.

Entertainment, an opportunity to dine on tasty northern snacks and view cultural
performances are clearly features that draw both visitors and locals to this annual event.

Home and garden lovers discover Chiang Mai is a February showcase for exotic orchids,
flowering plants and blooms that thrive in the northern valley’s temperate cool season.
Particularly during the cool season months, mid-November through to February,
this northern provinces justifies its title “Rose of the North.”
But for flower lovers, who flock to this annual festival, 6 to 8 February in the town’s
Buak Hat Park, there is far more to the town’s garden reputation than the impressive display of elegant roses.

Since 1977 when the annual festival was inaugurated, it has earned a reputation
on par with similar events such as Japan Sakura Flower Festival and the Netherlands’ flower parades.
This was further enhanced by the successful flower expo in 2006.
Due variations of climate and its mountain landscapes, the Chiang Mai Flower Festival
presents a diversity of blooms and flowers. Many of them, originally imported from temperate
climes such as carnations, chrysanthemum, tulips, are displayed side-by-side with tropical flowers including exotic orchids.

"Δικό σου είναι αυτό που δεν μπορεί να υπάρξει χωρίς εσένα"
The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry